Things YOU Can Do to Relieve Arthritis Pain

Arthritis and Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is the blanket term for over a hundred diseases. Doctors classify types of arthritis (for example, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis) partly based on the specific causes, but they’re all disorders that affect the joints. Arthritis can produce a number of symptoms including swollen joints, redness, joint inflammation, stiffness, and, notably, arthritis pain.

Some patients rely solely on their doctors to help them with arthritis pain, and if you’re suffering from a degenerative joint disease, you should certainly be receiving medical care. Still, that said, there are a number of things individuals can do for themselves to fight arthritis pain. We can categorize these under three headings: proper eating, activity, and additional healthy habits.

Eating Right to Fight Arthritis Pain

First off, control your weight. If you’re too heavy, the extra weight puts extra strain on joints like your knees, and this in turn aggravates arthritis pain. Even modest weight loss, ten pounds, for example, can produce a difference you can feel.

Second, make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D. Scientific research indicates vitamin D is necessary for healthy bone development and that a deficiency of vitamin D is linked to arthritis and arthritis pain.

Eggs, sardines, and dairy are good sources of vitamin D, and you can also take a supplement. We get vitamin D from sunlight, too, but considering that too much UV has been linked to various forms of cancer, going without sunblock may not be your best option for fighting arthritis pain.

Third, make sure you’re getting healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids combat joint inflammation and help relieve arthritis pain.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods like salmon, mackerel, oysters, and walnuts. To achieve therapeutic results, though, the typical person needs 2000-3000 milligrams daily. That’s a lot, so you may also benefit from taking a supplement.

Omega 3 foods

Activity to Fight Arthritis Pain

The idea of addressing arthritis pain by becoming more active may sound peculiar. If moving results in pain, why would you move around more?

Exercise, however, ultimately combats arthritis symptoms including reduced mobility and arthritis pain and slows the progression of the condition.

The trick is to produce therapeutic benefit and not a level of additional stress that will make joint inflammation and arthritis pain worse. To this end, you should be moderate, build up to higher activity levels gradually, and avoid pushing past your natural limits.

Ideally, you should have a range of physical activities. Walking and water-based exercise are good choices for producing arthritis pain relief while avoiding undue strain on damaged joints.

Other Healthy Habits to Fight Arthritis Pain

Repetitive motion can lead to the development of arthritis, and quite a few occupations involve repetitive motion. You’ve probably heard that people who work with computers can develop problems from using the mouse, but did you know that truck drivers are prone to osteoarthritis of the spine?

It may well not be practical for you to change your job to deal with arthritis pain. But you can take breaks and stretch to relieve the strain of repetitive motion.

Naturally, you should be sure to take your arthritis medication exactly as directed. Some patients have a bad habit of skipping if they aren’t presently feeling arthritis pain, but missing the medication creates an opportunity for the pain to arrive in full force later on.

Lack of sleep is likely to make arthritis pain worse the following day, so it’s important to get a good eight hours. The catch here is that arthritis pain can itself prevent you from sleeping. Patients who find themselves caught in this bind should be sure to discuss it with their physicians.

Stress can also aggravate arthritis pain. It happens because the muscles around sore, swollen joints tense up.

It’s probably impossible to eliminate every source of stress in your life, but you can improve the ways in which you cope with stress. Simply being conscious of the issue, breathing deeply, and trying not to fret can help, and so can making time for pastimes that help you relax. Beyond that, many people find that massage, meditation, and acupuncture are useful in this regard.

Finally, eliminate clutter. One unfortunate effect of arthritis pain and stiff joints is that compensating for them can make us less steady on our feet and thus more likely to fall. With that already working against you, the last thing you need is a bunch of junk lying around to trip you. Falling can exacerbate arthritis pain and inflict additional damage on a joint.

By pursuing sensible, healthy habits, you can do a great deal to control joint inflammation and arthritis pain.