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Non-Surgical Approach to Back Pain

Non-Surgical Treatment of Back Pain

At Pain Relief Institute, you can rest assured that you’re in the best possible hands with our highly experienced physicians. Our goal throughout your back pain treatment is not only to relieve your symptoms – but also to heal your underlying injury and prevent a recurrence. We want to treat your condition as quickly and effectively as possible so you can get you back to your life.

To that end, we will attempt to avoid ongoing steroid injections and surgery whenever possible, and we’ll stay away from temporary Band-Aid fixes or prescription medication. These treatments can potentially allow us to naturally heal the underlying damage while relieving your symptoms – so that you can hopefully make as a full recovery as possible.

Traditional Medicine

Conservative vs Traditional Medicine

At Pain Relief Institute, you can rest assured that you’re in the best possible hands with our highly experienced physicians. Our goal throughout your back pain treatment is not only to relieve your symptoms – but also to heal your underlying injury and prevent a recurrence. We want to treat your condition as quickly and effectively as possible so you can get back to your life.

To that end, we will attempt to avoid ongoing steroid injections and surgery whenever possible, and we’ll stay away from temporary Band-Aid fixes or prescription medication. These treatments can potentially allow us to naturally heal the underlying damage while relieving your symptoms – so that you can hopefully make as a full recovery as possible.

Common Causes


There are numerous types of back pain, and several injuries and diseases can cause discomfort in mid and low back. Some of the most common causes treated by Pain Relief Institute are:

OSTEOARTHRITIS: Osteoarthritis develops by the gradual wearing down of protective cartilage. With respect to the spine, it causes damage to the bones resulting in chronic pain, stiffness and decreased mobility.

SPRAIN: Muscles can get strained due to overexertion or injury, causing pain and stiffness. This can often be due to trying to lift something too heavy or overuse.

STRAIN: Ligaments can get sprained from being overstretched or torn resulting in severe pain in the area of the strained ligament.


DISC HERNIATION/BULGING: Within the spine there are 23 discs that separate the vertebra (bones making up the spine). The discs cushion the vertebra and absorb shock. When the discs get damaged, they may pinch a nerve resulting in numbness, tingling, pain or weakness in the arms or legs.

MUSCLE SPASMS: When back/spine muscles are overworked they may start to contract and can even stay contracted for extended periods of time resulting in pain and stiffness until the muscle spasm is relieved.


When you arrive at Pain Relief Institute you will receive some of the best back pain treatment Chicago and suburbs have to offer, our priority will be to figure out the root of the problem. We want to achieve the correct diagnosis right away, integrating a comprehensive history and hands-on exam along with imaging (if required), so we can provide you with the efficient custom tailored treatment options.

To begin, we’ll listen; really listen to your description of your symptoms, which will provide us with critical information about your underlying condition. We then perform a thorough physical exam, evaluate your back for tenderness and trigger points, and assess your spine for biomechanical issues. Additional testing may be required to confirm our diagnosis.

Diagnosing the Cause of your Back Pain

Manage Back Pain
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